
What kind of company is Jack Ma’s Alibaba?


In fiscal 2021, Alibaba’s revenue was 109 Billion USD, and its net profit was 23 Billion USD, ranking 63rd in the Fortune Global 500.

Ali is the leader of China’s e-commerce companies:

Taobao, Tmall, Taote, Hema,, RT-Mart, and other online and offline layouts have provided sufficient convenience for people’s lives. The proposal of new retail methods has also given traditional retail a new development direction. In 2021 the annual transaction volume of Tmall Double Eleven reached 84 Billion USD . Green commodities, low-carbon life and the recycling of carton boxes with Cainiao Express began to change in the direction of green, high-efficiency, and low-carbon.

Alibaba Cloud is the third largest cloud service provider in the world and the first in China:

Many people will subconsciously think that Ali is an e-commerce company. In fact, today’s Ali is more of a technology company. After all, the traffic of Double Eleven is so large that it is not enough to support it without enough technology. Alibaba Cloud’s self-developed Feitianyun operating system and self-developed database, according to the report released by the international research organization Gartner, Alibaba Cloud’s IaaS infrastructure capability has won first place in the world and won the four core evaluations in computing, storage, network, and security. highest score. This is also the first time that China Cloud has surpassed international manufacturers such as Amazon, Microsoft, and Google. Alibaba Cloud’s urban brain, industrial brain, agricultural brain, and transportation brain have been used in various application scenarios. 70% of the remaining ticket inquiries on the 12306 ticketing website are placed on Alibaba Cloud as the underlying technology to support people’s convenient ticket purchases.

In 2021, Ali’s R&D investment will rank second in the country:

In the “2021 Private Enterprise R&D Investment 500” list released by the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Alibaba ranks second, second only to Huawei. It is reported that Ali’s R&D investment in 2021 will reach 8 Billion USD, and the Dharma Institute has been established as a research institution. Pingtou Ge Semiconductor designs chips with the RISC-v open-source architecture. The Xuantie system has shipped more than 2 billion pieces, which is also the research and development. Continuous investment has allowed Ali to complete the transformation from an e-commerce company to a technology company.


Ali is the first company in China to pilot flexible office:

Many people think that Ali is a single holiday, in fact, Ali has been a double holiday since its inception. In terms of welfare benefits, although Ali may not be the highest and the best in many aspects, Ali is also very comprehensive and humane. In the 2021 Ali welfare upgrade, it has become the first enterprise in China to pilot flexible working. Each employee can apply for flexible working one day a week. In addition, Ali has added 7 days of paid accompanying leave to each employee. , allowing employees to spend more time with their children, family members, and themselves; 10 days of parental leave, employees with children under 3 years old at home get 10 more days of paid parental leave every year, which also allows parents to have more time to accompany their children time.

Ali has a distinctive corporate culture:

Every employee who enters Alibaba needs to have a nickname first. For example, Ma Yun is called Feng Qingyang, and Alibaba CEO Zhang Yong’s nickname is Xiaoyaozi. The name of Alibaba’s building is also a martial arts style. ; the research institute is called “Dharma Academy” and “Arhat Hall”; the conference room is called “Peach Blossom Island”, “Guangming Ding”, “Mu Wangfu”. Ali and ” Ali Ten Schools ” interest groups, There are photography schools, English schools, Kendo schools, etc. Here, you can find like-minded colleagues, work happily together, and live a serious life; Ali also has Ali Day on May 10 every year, holding group weddings and so on. To sum up, as a large enterprise with more than 200,000 employees today, Ali cannot be explained clearly in a few words, but as a representative of Chinese Internet companies, its every move has also been magnified.


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