
Download InShare App for Android

Click on the button below to download phone to laptop file transfer App for Android.

transfer files from mobile to laptop with inshare app

CategoryA few days ago
UpdateA few day ago
File Size10-15 MB
Google Play StoreGoogle Play Link

Steps to install InShare Apk:

  1. First, download the InShare APK file from here.
  2. Then click on the install button.
  3. Allow all the requirements for installation.
  4. Wait for a few seconds.
  5. Open then app and choose the file that you want to send.
  6. Click to connect to another device or PC to start sending the files.

Is this file Transfer App Free or Paid?

This App is completely free to use. If you want to remove ads then you can go with the paid version as well.

Does the App store the sent files?

No, this app does not store any of your files. If you want you can use this app 100% offline.

Is this App harmful to Android Devices?

InShare app is trusted by Google Play Store and it is fully safe to use.